Sunday 23 February 2014

Taking a daily brisk walk lowers the risk of prostate cancer.

  Prostate cancer is a type of cancer which develops in the man's prostate which is a walnut sized gland below the bladder and produces some fluid in semen. One of the characteristics that distinguish this type of cancer is that it can go for many years undetected, without causing any serious problems. At a time however as a cancer it can get aggressive and spread rapidly to other parts of body. Treatment at this stage is difficult however according to research carried out a daily brisk walk lowers the risk of prostate cancer.

  Age is one of the main contributors to the occurrence of prostate cancer among men as those who are above 60 years are more prone. In addition to this, there are some factors that play a crucial role in prostate cancer. Obesity along with some nutritional choices such as consumption of high fat dairy products and red meat are factors that may lead to prostate cancer. Chronic prostatitis, alcohol and smoking contribute significantly to prostate cancer so lifestyle factors need to be considered. 

  Recently there has been extensive research that has been carried out in order for potential treatment towards prostate cancer to be invented. On going examination and research has shown that daily work combined with regulars exercise can lower significantly the risk of prostate cancer. Men with prostate tumours that have more regular blood vessels have a better prognosis than men with prostate tumours with irregular blood vessels. Thus regular physical activity is recommended for prevention of some severe symptoms of prostate cancer.