Sunday, 21 September 2014

Plant Based Foods that improve digestion

Apple Cider Vinegar

  Digestion constitutes one of the most important metabolic processes in human species. It is a complex combination of biological interactions and chemical reactions which take place in the digestive tract. It is divided into the upper gastrointestinal tract which is composed of mouth, oesophagus, stomach and duodenum and into the lower gastrointestinal tract, where small and large intestine are located. Digestion is significantly affected by the types of foods that enter the stomach so there should be consideration of the foods that can ameliorate and improve digestion. More specifically, plant based foods are recognized to contribute to efficient digestion.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar:
   Type of vinegar which is made from fermented apples. It has a pale to medium amber colour. Consumption of apple cider vinegar is associated with incorporation of beneficial enzymes, probiotics and amino acids in the diet, that improve digestion, relieve heartburn, stimulate the lymphatic system and strengthen the immune system. In addition to this, it strengthens the pH of the stomach which directly affect digestion. Low pH, along with lack of probiotics and enzymes lead to acid reflux and heartburn.

     2.  Chia Seeds:

    Salvia hispanica, known as chia, is a species of flowering plant in mint family. Chia seeds are beneficial for the human health, as they are recognized for their healing properties, when they are soaked. The mode of action of chia seeds involves prevention of some important aggravated digestive conditions such as diverticulitis. 

     3.  Fermented Vegetables:

      Fermented foods are recognized for their detoxification effect and their probiotic content, as it is even higher than the probiotic supplements. Fermentation is a process which contributes to change in the composition of gut microbiota. Beneficial gut bacteria contribute to efficient mineral absorption, production of valuable nutrients such as B Vitamins and Vitamin K2, therefore the risk of coronary artery disease and stroke is reduced. Additionally, obesity, cancer and acne are prevented. In terms of vegetables one of the most valuable is sauerkraut, which is consisted of cabbage, salt and a starter culture some times. 

     4.  Aloe Vera:

       Aloe Vera is a healing plant that is characterised for its beneficial health effects. 
  • Treatment of systematic inflammation and compromised immune system
  • Treatment and prevention of parasitic infections
  • Relief of constipation
  • Reduction and reversion of acid reflux 
  • Prevention of Crohn's disease, colitis and other digestive disorders

    5.  Garlic:

     Garlic in the medical community is significantly appreciated for its antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties. According to Washington State University, it is far more effective compared to pharmaceutical antibiotics that aim to treat some severe medical conditions such as campylobacter bacterium which is a serious issue in America.