Thursday, 26 September 2013

10 easy, natural remedies for conquering the common cold.

 Common cold every year infects many people and its symptoms can be persistent in some cases. Continuous coughing, runny nose, stuffed up sinuses and headaches are the most common symptoms that can make everyone feel helpless during the day and fulfill the responsibilities when catching a cold virus. For treatment of colds there can be several effective cures.

1) Vitamin D:  One of the most effective remedies for common cold. Vitamin D helps reducing the cold and flu symptoms than getting back to normal quite quickly.

2) Apple Cider Vinegar:  Powerful alkalizing food which helps the treatment of the cold symptoms. Mixing a few tablespoons of apple cider vinegar with warm water, honey and lemon encourages rapid recovery.

3) Vitamin C: Powerful immune system booster. Experts recommend 2000 milligrams or more of non genetically modified ascorbic acid or sodium ascorbate when suffering from symptoms.

4) Honey:  Well known healing and soothing agent. It is recognized for the nutrients that it contains which vary from antioxidant, antiviral and antibacterial. 

5) Ginger: Powerful, soothing as well as powerful healer with amazing anti inflammatory properties. Patients who suffer from cold symptoms that involve ginger can experience a significant relief with the aid of ginger. Additionally it warms the body which enhances the expelling of toxins and other harmful invaders.

6) Zinc: Often sold in syrup or lozenge. It is efficient towards cold symptoms by combating sniffing, sneezing and coughing. Zinc is also a powerful immune boosting trace element by facilitating the function of more than 3000 proteins in the body.

7) Echinacea: Echinacea herb can shorten the duration of cold symptoms by several days and stimulate the immune system by activation of T cells. 

8) Neti Pot: Blocked noses are a serious concern in colds. For the treatment of block noses, a sanitised neti pot can be filled with warm water and one teaspoon of sea salt. This can then be poured down in the sinuses. Thus nasal passages are cleared and harmful bacteria can be eliminated.

9) Oil of oregano: Rich in 4 specific groups of chemicals that synergistically promote healing and strong immunity. The chemicals found in oil of oregano exhibit powerful antiviral and anti inflammatory activity.

10) Coconut Oil: One of the most powerful, natural antiviral compounds. Rich in medium chain fatty acids, coconut oil absorbs directly into viral cells where it disintegrates the protective coating of virus.


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