Saturday, 19 October 2013

Anthocyanin-rich foods recommended for consumption

Red Cabbage: ''Optimum Source of Anthocyanins''

 Anthocyanin is a plant compound that confer antioxidant benefits within the human. Additionally, it is a color pigment that gives many fruits and berries a blue, red, or dark purple hue. There are some foods that are appreciated for their content in anthocyanins. 

1. Eggplant: Acts as a ''brain food''. Anthocyanin in eggplant protects the fats found in brain cell membranes. 

2. Blackcurrant: This is the supplement that is recommended in order for anthocyanin to be obtained. 

3. Plums: Juicy, delicious and dark purple fruits that are considered a staple of anthocyanin foods.

4. Asparagus: Particularly the purple asparagus is a food that contains a rich supply of anthocyanins. 

5. Cranberries, blueberries: Red, purple and blue skinned berries contain a considerable amount of anthocyanins. Bilberries, elderberries, cranberries, raspberries, blueberries and blackberries most significantly have high concentration of antioxidants. 

6. Red cabbage: 36 different variations of anthocyanins are found in red cabbage

7. Pomegranates: They are recognized for their composition in antioxidants and anthocyanin is prevalent in this kind of fruit. 

8. Cherries: Great source of anthocyanins with tart cherries being the most nutritious as anthocyanins are found abundant on them. 

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