Generic multi vitamins: ''Check nutritional information''
Some products can be considered nutritious and healthy however they may contain chemicals, byproducts, genetically modified organisms and other cancer ingredients. Thus information about exact nutrition content of each product is required.
1) Generic multi vitamins: Generic vitamins such as One-a-Day, Centrum and Equate are considered by the majority of people as effective solution to acquire the vitamin requirements for every day. However all these are synthetic, dead, cooked in laboratories and contain ingredients that are toxic to the body. That's why some of the vitamins can have side effects when administrated.
2) Soy, soy protein, tofu and soy milk: The majority of soy, around 90% is genetically modified so deadly pesticides may be contained within soy products. Cancer and infertility are possible consequences when there is exposure to soy that is genetically modified.
3) Agave: Many nutritionists recommend Agave as good substitute of high fructose corn syrup. However it contains about 55% fructose on average and it is usually laboratory manufactured thus nutrient value is lacked.
4) Whole Grain Cereal: Many people make a switch to whole grain cereals. This type of cereals is associated with health consequences. Inflammation is caused and body is rendered insulin resistant. Wheat bread should be carefully considered also.
5) Canola Oil: This type of oil is not originated from a canola plant. Thus it is not a virgin olive oil, neither a vegetable oil but a rapeseed oil. This type of oil infects mitochondria thus these become unable to get oxygen which leads to cancer.
6) Organic Milk: Raw milk is the milk that is recommended instead of the organic one as the homogenized milk causes inflammation and disease in the body.
7) Low sodium or ''healthy choice'' soups: As far as canned foods are concerned they are full of toxins and metals. This leads to Alzheimer's disease. Low sodium soup can be seemed as beneficial but possible composition in chemicals such as sodium benzoate causes harm in humans.
8) ''Light'' and ''sugar free'' salad dressings: These type of dressings contain artificial sweeteners such as aspartame, sucralose and sorbitol. Thus cancer cells can multiply. Fat is taken out but sugar is added in so these dressings are not ''light''.
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