Thursday, 30 January 2014

Colder temperatures can induce a massive calorie burn.

    Recently, there is research concerning ways of burning efficiently calories. One potential method is low temperatures. According to Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, the optimal temperature for burning calories in fit individuals is 19 degrees Celsius. This occurs due to brown fat composition that warms the body by burning energy to generate heat. 

    The team of Dutch scientists that examine how heat production via brown fat occurs state that energy can be enhanced 30%. An extended period of time exposure to low temperatures can considerably aid in the burn of calories. When the body is exposed to cold temperatures it actually responds to the corresponding conditions by increasing the number of brown fat cells. Brown adipocytes behave differently from the white fat cells as they burn fat at a higher rate compared to the white ones that are responsible mostly with storage of fat.

    Brown fat cells experience a wide accumulation around the upper torso and the neck. A Japanese study that was published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation showed that people who spend at least two hours in mild cold temperatures over a period of six weeks burned significantly and efficiently more calories than people who spent their time in warmer temperatures.

Searching for a good egg: Which type is best - Organic, free-range, pastured or cage free?

  Choice of eggs is crucial as a particular type of egg can provide more benefits than other egg types. It is considered generally that supermarket organic eggs could be potentially more healthy compared to the conventional, ''battery hen'' ones, however nutritional differences are not significant. It is important for everyone to be aware of the conditions that chickens experience which can determine quality of eggs.

  • Pastured: Sourced from a local farmer. These chickens tend to live outdoors and their diet is supplied with insects, worms, seeds and grass. These animals are raised with plenty of sun, fresh air and space to roam.

  • Omega 3 and DHA: The chickens that produce these eggs tend to spends most of their lifetime in factory so their lives are indoors, caged and restricted. A nutritious egg however is enhanced with omega 3 fatty acids and DHA. 

  • Free range: Superior eggs are produced by these chickens as they tend to spend some time outdoor even if this is for 5 minutes. 

  • Organic: Organic producers tend to favour an outdoor and a cage-free environment which enable chickens to produce good quality eggs. Additionally, the animals are not treated with hormones or antibiotics so the chickens are fed naturally. 

  • Conventional: The chickens under this condition are raised in battery cages and live under tremendous hardship. This type of eggs can be described as the least nutritional ones as these eggs are treated with stress hormones and antibiotics as well as toxins from conventional feed.

Coconut flour: A nutritious-gluten free substitute to processed flour.

  Coconut flour is a type of flour made from coconut solids that have been assembled into a very fine powder. It is characterized for its mild coconut scent and flavor, which renders it suitable for flour based recipes that don t contain strongly-favoured ingredients. More particularly, it is suitable for baked goods such as muffins, pancakes and cakes. Recently, coconut flour is appreciated for its vast range of health benefits that's why it is applied in West.

   There are some benefits that characterize coconut flour. One of the significant features of coconut flour is its gluten free status, which means that it does not contain gluten protein molecules found in grains like wheat, rye and barley. Gluten is a food component that is associated with some health disorders as it leads to lethargy, bloating, brain fog and allergy issues. 

    Addition of coconut flour to the diet can considerably reduce the risk of developing heart disease, lower the cholesterol levels and offer protection from cancer and diabetes. According to Dr Bruce Fife who is naturopathic physician, when coconut flour is supplied along with diets it is believed that fiber intake can be enhanced in adults. 

    Coconut flour can be potentially important in future food applications as there is beneficial fat and protein composition. In terms of fat content, most of the fats that are provided are medium chain triglycerides which are essential protective fats with distinctive antiviral, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Metabolic functions are enhanced also with medium chain triglycerides. Moreover, despite, coconut flour is gluten free it contains a range of other proteins which enhance nutritional benefits. All these nutritional properties render coconut flour an alternative method for food recipes.

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Cadmium Toxicity causes bone cells to self destruct, reduces bone density and lead to disease.

Cadmium: ''Avoid over exposure''

  Cadmium is a chemical element that is distinctive for its bluish white appearance and is similar to zinc and mercury. Compared to other metals it has a feature that other ones do not possess it. It is resistant to corrosion thus it is applied as a protective layer in other metals. However, cadmium if inhaled by humans through fine dust and fumes, can be potentially harmful. Tobacco smoking is the most common exposure of cadmium for the population. This leads to appearance of serious medical conditions such as hypertension and atherosclerosis. 

  Across the world there are some studies that investigate the consequences from cadmium exposure. A Chinese study carried in 2004 was an epidemiological one and it compared individuals that had high exposure of cadmium and other that did not have. It involved a total of 790 people, some of them had a residence  in areas that were close to lead, cadmium and zinc smelter and other were in an area free from any exposure. Measurements of this study suggested that people were subjected to exposure to the various metals, including cadmium, experienced loss in mineral density associated with osteoporosis and increased risk of fractures. There was a study also carried in United States also at 2007. In this study bone measurements were collected from people. These showed significant damage and it was proved that apoptosis is induced by cadmium which leads to disruption of normal life that is further related to the imbalance of bone formation.

  Therefore it is recommended that exposure of cadmium should be in few amounts otherwise there are several risk factors that can pose a severe risk for the health. It is resistant to corrosion and it is highly toxic when inhaled. 



Health benefits of Elderberries.

Elderberries: ''Powerful Antioxidants''

  Elderberries are recognized for their dark blue and purplish appearance. The dark colour of these berries is attributed to their high content of polyphenol anthocyanin. This feature is important as it enables elderberries to survive periods of intense UV light radiation from the sun and for human there is a beneficial role as these berries serve an anti carcinogenic effect. Due to these features elderberries have been applied in medicine throughout North America, Europe, Western Asia and North Africa in order for health to be improve and to rise the life expectancy rate. 

 There are some characteristics that make elderberries distinctive. They have a high oxygen radical absorbance capacity, twice as much as compared to blueberry and cranberry. Additionally they contain a considerable amount of trace minerals and Vitamin C. The associated health benefits are brain health, improvement of immune coordination, protection of blood vessels and reduction of cancer propensity. 

  According to German studies the anthocyanins that elderberries contain enhance the production of immune cytokines which are key messengers in the immune system that aid in the defence of immune system towards the appearance of various diseases and regulation of immune response. Furthermore, elderberries contain an antiviral agent which is called antivirin which deactivates the hemagglutinin spikes thus viruses can not get inside the body and cause harm. 

Changes in diet radically reform gut bacteria in just one day.

  Gut is considered a microbial ecosystem where more than 10.000 species are present which play a dominant role in the maintenance of health of the human digestive and immune systems. Scientists constantly carry research and experiments in order to obtain more wide knowledge concerning the composition of human gut flora and how alterations of the internal ecosystem can affect the health. However diets that are high in fat and sugar are the ones that have direct effects in the gut composition.

  Among the various studies that have carried out one involved 10 people, five men and women. Diet journals and foecal samples were collected for four days. These days they followed a normal diet. The next four days the individuals were provided by the researchers with food that was entirely comprised either of fruits and vegetables either animal products. Examination of the gut composition when diet is supplemented with animal products is different from the fruit and vegetable dietary lifestyle. Breakdown of fat is impaired in diets that are animal based due to rise in bacteria with a high tolerance for bile which is a fluid that is produced from the liver in order for fat to be broken down. Firmicules bacteria also experienced a significant reduction. These bacteria aid in the breakdown of carbohydrates. 

  In individuals that followed the plant based diets fewer changes were observed indicating that this dietary lifestyle is more beneficial for the function of gut. The researchers observed that digestion of starch and cellulose was more efficient in these people as these diets are lower in fat and protein and higher in fiber. Thus it is important that dietary lifestyle is taken into consideration as depending on the type of food consumed there is a modification in the gut composition. 

Turmeric and Myrhh protect against lead toxicity

Turmeric Root: ''Health enhancer''

  Lead is a soft and malleable metal which can be regarded as heavy or poor. This metal is characterised for its bluish white colour and its dull gray appearance when exposed to air. Lead has a variety of applications such as building construction, lead acid batteries, fusible alloys and it can act as a radiation shield. However it constitutes a major health concern as it is a potent neurotoxin. Toxic effects of lead can be eliminated through turmeric root and myrrh.

  In 2006 there was an extensive investigation concerning the potential benefits from application of turmeric root and myrhh in everyday diet. An experiment that was conducted by the University of Alexandria in Egypt involving mice that were divided into five separate groups showed that the benefits are significant form application of turmeric and myrrh. One group of mice was fed with a normal diet, the second along with normal diet plus 0.5 percent w/w toxic lead acetate. The other three groups of mice were fed also the lead supplemented diet but additionally 1 percent myrrh powder and 1 or 5 percent turmeric powder.

 The outcomes of the experimental procedure carried out were significant. In mice that were exposed to lead acetate the antioxidant glutathione levels decreased indicating that lead toxicity is present in these mice. Along with decrease of glutathione levels, activity of glutathione S-transferase was also suppressed. The role of this enzyme is crucial as it aids in the detoxification of cells. Researchers also observed lipid peroxidation in liver homogenate and bone marrow chromosomes, rise of aberrant cells and impairment of cell division in mice treated with lead compared to the ones that turmeric and myrrh was applied in which DNA  and cell damage was insignificant. 

 Western society, recently has carried an extensive research concerning the role of turmeric and myrhh in prevention of lead toxicity. The active ingredients in turmeric are known as curcuminoids or curcumin. Curcumin has shown to protect from infection and cancer. It functions as an antiviral and antibiotic. Application of curcumin is effective towards various medical disorders such as cystic fibrosis and Alzheimer's and myrrh for the prevention of heart disorders, bronchial congestion.

Thursday, 2 January 2014

Effect of smoking in Coenzyme Q10

Coenzyme Q10  - Powerful Antioxidant 

  The role of Coenzyme Q10, known as ubiquinone, is important in everyday life as it is directly involved in the electron transport chain and the aerobic cellular respiration. The heart beats around 100.000 times a day thus the entire cardiovascular system is subjected to continuous work with the aim of normal respiration. When the levels of Coenzyme Q10 are abnormal then the body can not carry the functions effectively and the heart experiences a variety of obstacles. 

  When Coenzyme Q10 is present in the body then various types of disorders can be treated even some extreme one such as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. This condition affects the musculoskeletal nerve impulses that enable and control stature. The initial symptoms of the disorder are cramping, twitching and weakness and then it gets more serious when it reaches a point where swallowing is difficult.

  Apart from Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis there are other conditions that can have detrimental effects in the nervous systems. These are pesticides in the food, irradiated food and cigarettes. Smokers particularly tend not to watch what they eat and consume modified foods either processed and irradiated ones. When smoking however there is another one drawback. Coenzyme presence is eliminated thus some health issues appear such as impairments in the energy of the heart, lack of mental clarity, fatigue and cancer. It is crucial therefore to take care of the lifestyle trends.