Turmeric Root: ''Health enhancer''
Lead is a soft and malleable metal which can be regarded as heavy or poor. This metal is characterised for its bluish white colour and its dull gray appearance when exposed to air. Lead has a variety of applications such as building construction, lead acid batteries, fusible alloys and it can act as a radiation shield. However it constitutes a major health concern as it is a potent neurotoxin. Toxic effects of lead can be eliminated through turmeric root and myrrh.
In 2006 there was an extensive investigation concerning the potential benefits from application of turmeric root and myrhh in everyday diet. An experiment that was conducted by the University of Alexandria in Egypt involving mice that were divided into five separate groups showed that the benefits are significant form application of turmeric and myrrh. One group of mice was fed with a normal diet, the second along with normal diet plus 0.5 percent w/w toxic lead acetate. The other three groups of mice were fed also the lead supplemented diet but additionally 1 percent myrrh powder and 1 or 5 percent turmeric powder.
The outcomes of the experimental procedure carried out were significant. In mice that were exposed to lead acetate the antioxidant glutathione levels decreased indicating that lead toxicity is present in these mice. Along with decrease of glutathione levels, activity of glutathione S-transferase was also suppressed. The role of this enzyme is crucial as it aids in the detoxification of cells. Researchers also observed lipid peroxidation in liver homogenate and bone marrow chromosomes, rise of aberrant cells and impairment of cell division in mice treated with lead compared to the ones that turmeric and myrrh was applied in which DNA and cell damage was insignificant.
Western society, recently has carried an extensive research concerning the role of turmeric and myrhh in prevention of lead toxicity. The active ingredients in turmeric are known as curcuminoids or curcumin. Curcumin has shown to protect from infection and cancer. It functions as an antiviral and antibiotic. Application of curcumin is effective towards various medical disorders such as cystic fibrosis and Alzheimer's and myrrh for the prevention of heart disorders, bronchial congestion.
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