Choice of eggs is crucial as a particular type of egg can provide more benefits than other egg types. It is considered generally that supermarket organic eggs could be potentially more healthy compared to the conventional, ''battery hen'' ones, however nutritional differences are not significant. It is important for everyone to be aware of the conditions that chickens experience which can determine quality of eggs.
- Pastured: Sourced from a local farmer. These chickens tend to live outdoors and their diet is supplied with insects, worms, seeds and grass. These animals are raised with plenty of sun, fresh air and space to roam.
- Omega 3 and DHA: The chickens that produce these eggs tend to spends most of their lifetime in factory so their lives are indoors, caged and restricted. A nutritious egg however is enhanced with omega 3 fatty acids and DHA.
- Free range: Superior eggs are produced by these chickens as they tend to spend some time outdoor even if this is for 5 minutes.
- Organic: Organic producers tend to favour an outdoor and a cage-free environment which enable chickens to produce good quality eggs. Additionally, the animals are not treated with hormones or antibiotics so the chickens are fed naturally.
- Conventional: The chickens under this condition are raised in battery cages and live under tremendous hardship. This type of eggs can be described as the least nutritional ones as these eggs are treated with stress hormones and antibiotics as well as toxins from conventional feed.
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