Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Changes in diet radically reform gut bacteria in just one day.

  Gut is considered a microbial ecosystem where more than 10.000 species are present which play a dominant role in the maintenance of health of the human digestive and immune systems. Scientists constantly carry research and experiments in order to obtain more wide knowledge concerning the composition of human gut flora and how alterations of the internal ecosystem can affect the health. However diets that are high in fat and sugar are the ones that have direct effects in the gut composition.

  Among the various studies that have carried out one involved 10 people, five men and women. Diet journals and foecal samples were collected for four days. These days they followed a normal diet. The next four days the individuals were provided by the researchers with food that was entirely comprised either of fruits and vegetables either animal products. Examination of the gut composition when diet is supplemented with animal products is different from the fruit and vegetable dietary lifestyle. Breakdown of fat is impaired in diets that are animal based due to rise in bacteria with a high tolerance for bile which is a fluid that is produced from the liver in order for fat to be broken down. Firmicules bacteria also experienced a significant reduction. These bacteria aid in the breakdown of carbohydrates. 

  In individuals that followed the plant based diets fewer changes were observed indicating that this dietary lifestyle is more beneficial for the function of gut. The researchers observed that digestion of starch and cellulose was more efficient in these people as these diets are lower in fat and protein and higher in fiber. Thus it is important that dietary lifestyle is taken into consideration as depending on the type of food consumed there is a modification in the gut composition. 

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